Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Courtesy of Whitney Stroupe

Our God says, "You shall encounter nothing of which I am not already aware. My mcercy is concealed within every storm cloud. My grace flows beneath every crosscurrent. My wisdom has conceived a solution to every perplexity."


And courtesy of Annie Hatley: http://www.stumbleupon.com/ . She told me about this at least 18 months ago, and I am still using it regularly. Basically, this website takes you to cool, random sites that other users love.

Demonstration: In my first five "stumbles" today, I was taken to:
1. An article from TheTraveler'sNotebook.com describing how to travel the world for free
2. An awesome recipe for Extreme Cheddar Biscuits, with a nice large photo
3. A live satellite image of the Valley of the Pyramids in Egypt
4. A pretty funny cartoon website drawn by left-handed people only
5. An article from ancientx.com titled "The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts"

Another thing I find a lot of on stumbleupon.com is really cool graphic arts, such as this cool sand game.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Loved the quote--immediately sent it to my bible study girls. Also loved "stumbled upon." Will be checking that out frequently.
